
The Forged Air respirator has been engineered to comply with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard Z94.4.1:21 and the NIOSH N95 standard.

Forged Air Ltd. has begun the CSA and NIOSH certification process on the FA95 Half Respirator. As mandated by the governing bodies, certification must be completed on production product (not prototypes). Forged Air established its supply chain and launched the FA95 product and is currently undergoing the certification processes.  

A P100 (magenta/pink in colour) rated filter is being developed and could be commercially available in Q4 2025 for oils, fumes/vapours, welding and/or spray painting. 

FA95 - CSA Testing Results

Particle Filtration Efficiency - Pass

Pascal Rating - Pass

Flammability - Pass

Head Strapping - Pass

Eye Protection Visor - Pass

  • CSA-Certified CA-N95F-100Pa respirators are tested and certified to meet the strict standard Z94.4.1:21 set by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), which is designed to be more stringent and more breathable than the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH N95 standard.

    CSA Z94.4.1:21 
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